While logged in > Click on Agent > Add Agent > Generate Agent Token > You're done.
If you'd like, you can also email the Token to the Agent by using the Email Token button. The email will also include instructions and a link to download Pidgins. (This is great for remote users.)
There are no limits to the number of agents an account can have, but remember, you'll be charged for each agent.
Yes they are, for the remainder of the billing cycle.
Pidgins uses OAuth 2.0 to secure your account and data. Each time you create an agent, the user gets a randomly generated username and password in the background of the app. We then generate a one-time use "Refresh Login Token" for you to copy and paste into your application. This gives you (the user) an easy way to log in without having to remember a password. Once you use this "Refresh Login Token" you cannot use it again on any other computer.
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